Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Day of Rest-- Kinda.

I am so sore. I have been going to the gym pretty consistently for the past month and a half... Running, lifting, stretching, etc. but none of this prepared me for me return to the court. I always argued that basketball worked different muscles, more effectively. This is a true testament. It all hurts. In a great way, of course.

I went to the gym today--not to exercise more because that would be impossible. I warmed up for a little while, stretched A LOT, used the rolly massage machines, and then shamelessly sat in the steam room for a long while. I love the gym.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 7-ish block walk back to my apartment. It's not spring weather anymore, but its not quite cold. I saw a Dino Pan, which I thought was a funny name for a bakery. I looked at my reflection in every store storefront window and repeatedly noticed how much I like these jeans. I stopped at a park. I swung. My butt didn't fit very well in the swing. I saw many classic Spanish stores, brimming with every little appliance in the world that no one has any legitimate use for. Those stores are perfect for people like my brother Eric or our cousin Ryan, who buy things just to buy shopping, not based on any need or desire. I wandered towards my building and finally realized that sign for La Crema, the cafe next door, reminds me of Hot Dog on a Stick. I had always known there was something about it.

Now, I am going to spend the rest of my lazy sunday coloring, lounging, eating fruit, and maybe, eventually doing some work. Life is good.

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