Thursday, September 25, 2008

Catching Up

I've been here for about six weeks, with varying levels of internet and camera... But here's a little update as to what I've been doing.

The past week, the city of Barcelona has celebrated the festival La Merce, which I'm pretty sure signifies the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The reasoning really isn't too clear but here's a little view of the festivities.

Last night was the PiroMusical... the most incredible firework show I have ever seen. 120,000 people went to one of the city's biggest plazas to watch the hour-long show.

Here is a video of the finale:

A few days before, we participated in the Correfoc, Catalan for Fire Run. Basically, thousands of people march through the streets of Old Barcelona with fireworks on pitchforks. It was the most ridiculous, exhilarating thing ever. And I only got a little burnt.

Here is my firework and my war wound:

and here is the parade of the giants.. there are like 50 diff historical figures.. that are giant... and parade through the city.. kind of self-explanatory i guess.

and finally, here's me on my beach.. yes, my beach. the one that is about 100 yards (or 90 meters since I'm metric now) from my apartment.


That's all I have for now. There are definitely more on facebook, if you find me on there.

And lastly, PLEASE WRITE ME! :)
for the sake of having some kind of internet intelligence, I'm not gonna post the address on here... But I'm so very homesick and receiving anything from home would be wonderful! So if you would like my address, or Spanish cell number, let me know.

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