So Jenn didn't actually tag me, but I figured she would have if she already knew I had a started a blog.. So here are my answers.
7 Things I Plan to Do Before I Die
1. Publish a book, of poetry or otherwise.
2. Figure out what I want to do (career-wise) and do it.
3. Run a marathon.
4. Play the piano really well.
5. Build some really cool family traditions that we pass on to all the generations.
6. Own a candy store--something cool and unique, like Dr. Conkeys, my child(and adult)hood favorite.
7. Have my own "library" like they have in haunted mansions that is full of really cool books, all of which I have read.
I'm adding more...
8. Learn to sail.
9. Be a sports reporter.
7 Things I Do Now
1. Write.
2. Immerse myself in Communications Studies because I can't figure out which part I like most.
3. Lately, wander the streets of Barcelona, exploring.
4. Make up recipes/dishes.
5. Write press releases and web site content.
6. Scour the city looking for cool shoes.
7. Miss my home and all the people in it.
7 Things I Can't Do
1. Play any kind of musical instrument, yet. (the only one in my family, what a shame).
2. Finish any attempt I've made at writing a novel. Yet.
3. See my family :( or my lil brother and nieces and nephew growing up.
4. A step-back 3-pointer. Yet.
5. Make it through a week in Spain without taking a nap.
6. Express myself enough
7. Eat, laugh, create and shop as much as I want to
7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex (Justin)
1. Humor
2. Confidence
3. Intelligence
4. Curiousity/Eagerness to learn
5. Style
6. Perspective on life
7. Relationship with their family
7 Things That I Say Most Often
1. I'm so homesick.
2. Vale!
3. Soy de Los Angeles.
4. I want to play basketball.
5. A little gelatto won't hurt me.
6. Are you going out tonight?
7. I love you and miss you!
7 People I Admire (I changed it. I don't admire any celebrity nearly as much as a real person)
1. My mom (I don't know how she raised all of us, or how she got so good at.. everything, or how she is so nice and kind-hearted ALL the time!)
2. My dad (He is so generous--just like his mom-- and has mastered being a really responsible, successful adult, while still absolutely being a kid at heart. He's the coolest!)
3. My sister Jenn (She is so smart, so wise, so silly, and knows exactly who she is and never compromises that for anything.)
4. My brother Chris (He is just fascinating--I am baffled by how he comes up with everything he ever does--so creative, so hip, with the coolest interests and hes so fun to be around)
5. My brother James (He has such a kind heart, just like our mom, and he never ceases to surprise me with some new talent that to me seems so crazy! And he has really come into his own and found a whole life that makes him incredibly happy.)
6. My brother Evan (My "twin". He would do ANYTHING for the people he loves, and is so loyal and loves so hard. He's such an awesome combination of tough and aggressive, and totally sweet and goofy. )
7. My brother Eric (He is so full of energy and determination... and even at such a young age, he works so hard for his goals. And he really truly just wants to have a good time, and have everyone be happy. He does so much just to make your day just a little better).
7 Favorite Foods (I will have no problem coming up with these...)
1. Fruit. Especially with salt and/or chile. Or mixed in cottage cheese.
2.Carne asada plate... from El Pollo Norteno, Guadalajara #3, Campos, Poquito Mas... any number of places.
3. Chile tamales with extra pickles from Tommys/#1 from Roscoe's. (tied).
4. Chocolate covered gummy bears and sour gummy coke bottles, in a bag together so the gummy bears get the sour sugar on them.
5. Cap'n Crunch Crunch Berry's.
6. Homemade Mac n Cheese with kielbasa
7. Really, really good sushi/ Really, really good Mongolian BBQ.
7 People Who Need To Do This
I don't have any blog friends on here.. so anyone.